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Meet The Parents

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Rusty is a purebred Moyen Poodle. He is very smart, as poodles tend to be. he is gentle, loyal and loves to fetch anything for you. 

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Pepper is a purebred miniature parti-coloured Schnauzer. She is intelligent and loves her family. She loves to chase and play in open spaces then sit and nap with you.


Quella (Bella) is a purebred miniature phantom Schnauzer. She is very loyal, loving and loves to cuddle during downtime. Well mannered but fiesty, she is our princess.

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Obby is a black purebred miniature schnauzer.  She is Pepper's sister. She has a wonderful, playful disposition. She loves to cuddle at your feet.


Iggy is a miniature poodle who is full of energy and Loves his people! He loves coming with you wherever you go. he frequenlty goes camping in the mountains and walking long hikes. 

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Shiloh is our newest addition to our family. She's outgoing and rambunctious, but at the end of the day she wants some snuggles too. 

We Are Excited To Meet You!

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